Crabtree 50th Anniversary Animations (2022)

I had the pleasure of animating a holiday-themed display for Crabtree Mall here in Raleigh, NC. The scenes were projected onto a large storefront throughout all of December of 2022. These holiday animations were created to inspire childlike joy and a connection with the viewer through vivid color, captivating movement, and a visual warmth to celebrate the season. I take the audience through a mesmerizing holiday kaleidoscope before they’re greeted by a festive reindeer.



Reason for the Season

The holidays are about connection. Therefore, the goal for this project was to create a connection between the animations and the audience. What really made this project so enjoyable was seeing little children’s’ reactions. The way they identified the reindeer character as a friendly presence was exactly what I’d hoped for. However, it wasn’t only the kids that connected with these scenes, but shoppers of all ages! Teenagers would pull out their phones to film their favorite segments, and coffee-drinkers would relax at a nearby table to enjoy the show. Above all, the client was happy. Here is a post made by Crabtree themselves- check it out!

In Action

Here you can see a segment of the reindeer scene being played for shoppers. It was incredibly rewarding was to see young kids run up to the display in excitement and point their fingers at the character.


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